The market value of DeFi rose by more than 600% in 8 weeks, but I still be worried about its future advancement...

Go through the blue term above to follow us From an obscure "bad boy" to a "heavy man" in the blockchain industry, this sentence can not be used to describe the quick development of DeFi. Since its inception in 2018, DeFi has exploded from a concept to an industry in just 2 yrs. At the latest time of the entire year, more than 1 billion US dollars of funds were written into smart contracts. From derivatives marketplaces to lending systems to insurance contracts, the financial solutions that were once bank franchise are being reshaped into dApps on the blockchain. They are trustless, transparent and decentralized. DeFi may replace traditional financial solutions! With the momentum of quick development, such calls are endless. However, to truly replace traditional financial solutions and expand into the global financial landscape, LiquidApps believes that DeFi still faces many problems. -01- Blocking a fresh height A brief analysis of the down sides faced by DeFi deve...